Overview • Architecture • Motivation • Implementation • Installation • Source Code • License • Contact
Online Collaborative Ontology Editor (OntoEditor) on top of Distributed Version Control Systems is an approach towards supporting collaborative developing ontologies with syntax parsing in different RDF serialization formats, such as Turtle, Json-LD, and RDF/XML.
John, Robert, and Lisa, experienced ontology engineers, face challenges in collaborative ontology development. Current tools lack real-time collaboration, syntax checking, and efficient communication. To streamline this, we've devised a solution enabling real-time collaborative editing, live syntax checking, and instant communication.
Users work on a shared document, seeing each other's changes, cursor positions, and syntax errors in real-time. Discussions happen through live chat, resolving errors collaboratively. Only authorized users can commit changes to the remote repository. This approach simplifies collaboration, ensuring real-time error detection and synchronization with the remote repository.
The architecture of OntoEditor consists of several components designed to serve as a Streamlined Visual KG Builder specifically tailored for novice users. The main components are can be seen below in the coming diagram.
Referencing the following Figure , OntoEditor has 3 modules. The first module is responsible for remote repository communication, the second module is responsible for enabling collaboration and finally the third module is responsible for syntax validation.
Given the requirement to provide a low-threshold access to the repository, we decided to prioritize the availability of a web interface over the underlying version ntrol system. GitHub, Gitlab and Bitbucket, these three repository hosting services provide a RESTFUL API architecture. By consuming REST API’s, we allow users to communicate directly with their repository. This is useful especially for those users who prefer editing RDF in a web based client and don’t want to install GIT in their local machines. In order to take advantage of OntoEditor, users have to authenticate themselves with these repository hosting services. The authentication can be based on the username, password or personal access token. Since with Github and Gitlab, the authentication is only possible with a personal access token as they do not provide support for the username or password authentication anymore. The Bitbucket users can still take advantage of both authentication methods. After authentication, we show users the list of their repositories and all the branches in the respective repository. A typical fetch request is shown in the below Fetching Script. . Here we call the Gitlab Rest API to get the projects/repositories of a user whose credentials are passed in headers of request.
//Fetching Script: Fetching repositories of user
fetch (" https :// gitlab .com/api/v4/ projects ? owned = true ", {
headers : { Authorization : " Bearer " + token } ,
. then ( function ( response ) {
if ( response .ok) {
response . json () . then (( data ) = > {
res . status (200) . json ({ repos : data }) ;
}) ;
} else {
res . status (400) . json ({ err : response . statusText }) ;
. catch ( function ( error ) {
res. status (400) . json ({ err : error . statusText }) ;
}) ;
The files are then filtered based on the file format. We will only show files with
extensions (’.ttl’), (’.rdfxml’), (’.jsonld’), (’.rdf’), (’.json’) and (’.txt’). All the other
files in the repository will be ignored. We allow the users to add new files in their
repository if they want to start building an ontology from scratch. Further, a delete
file option is also available if they want to delete any of their files. The coming Figure
shows list of repositories and files returned by Github and how we display them
in dropdown menus. Based on the user selection, we get the file and display it on
our web frontend that they can use to start the editing process. After developing
the ontology they can commit their changes to the repository. Users can share
their editing link with other users but for committing changes, the authentication
is always required and only those users will be able to commit, who have access to
that respective repository.
A scenario can happen when user A edits the file from the repository directly. This will update the SHA1 of their file, and if user B is already editing on our editor, then there could be a GIT conflict. Since, while committing we completely push the new content which will replace the complete file on the repository. We wanted the user to be able to see if there are any new commits in their repository. For this, we keep checking the history of file in an interval of 60 seconds, and manifest it on the editor with the name of the last committer and the time of the last commit. This way, the user can know if there have been any new changes. Nevertheless, if the user wants to commit the file, we show them diff screen while making use of Mergely Javascript library. We then show the difference between the
two files and provide options to merge the content line by line or entirely. Inspired by how Visual Studio handles GIT conflict, we decided to implement this feature. The user can then see the latest file on the repository and the local editor state of the document in a side by side comparison. They can compare the parts to be merged or replaced before committing. As shown in the below Figure , user B was editing in our editor whilst user A pushed some new changes from Github directly. We then show a merge screen to user B where they can select the changes they want to keep or discard before committing them.
The collaboration service is implemented as a separate module which communicates over Websocket traffic rather than HTTP traffic. Due to a large number of editing operations, the idea was to extract the complexity of collaboration into an independent microservice.
we will be using JavaScript parser libraries for validating different RDF serialization formats. While starting the editing process, a user can select ”turtle”, ”rdf/xml”, or ”jsonld” format. Based on the user’s selection we will use a parser for that serialization format. Just like we used onChange function for insertion and deletion, we will also connect our syntax checker function with it. This will ensure that every time a user types something, the syntax is checked automatically. The user can choose to enable or disable the syntax checker, which by default is always activated. Syntax checker functions first detects the format from the URL path of the RDF serialization format. Contingent upon the format, we call the parser for that specific format. All the content in the document is then passed to our parser. Parser then parses the input in a streaming way, and returns us parsed triples and any syntax errors in the input. We display meaningful error messages on top of the editor in order that the user can read them anytime. As soon as the user corrects the error, a success message is displayed ”All triples are parsed, Syntax correct”.
npm install
to install the dependencies
and build the project.
npm start
docker pull ahemid/ontoeditor
or you can create OntoEditor docker image by giving the following
command on the project root folder:
docker build . -t ahemid/ontoeditor
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 -p 8080:8080 ahemid/ontoeditor